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Use of Cookies/Privacy Policy

Privacy policy for the company’s (Dustcontrol) website

1. Contact details of the data controller

7 Beaufort Court
Roebuck Way
Milton Keynes
Tel: +44 1327 858001
Fax: +44 1327 858002

Dustcontrol UK Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dustcontrol AB, Sweden.

2. Provision of the website and production of log files

Each time our website is opened, our system automatically collects data and information about the visiting computer. The information is stored temporarily in a log file. The following data is collected and stored until it is automatically deleted:

  • Information about the browser and the version used
  • The user’s operating system
  • The user’s internet provider
  • The date and time of the visit
  • Other websites from which the user’s visit to our website originates (referrer URL)
  • Websites that the user visits from our website
  • Name and URL of the downloaded file

Important: The user’s IP address is anonymized, meaning that it is not posssible to store a specific IP-adress of any user to promote data privacy and help users comply with the GDPR. Everytime the terms IP-adress or personal data are mentioned in the following text they will refer to an anonymized IP adress.

The purpose of data processing is to enable the user to be connected to the website. Consequently, the user’s IP address must be stored for as long as the connection lasts. Log files are stored to ensure the functionality of the website. In addition, we use the data to optimise the website and to guarantee the security of our IT systems.

Data processing takes place in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 6.1 of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Data is collected for the reasons listed above. The data is not used for personal mapping.

The data is deleted once it is no longer required for the purpose for which is was collected. If data is collected in order to facilitate the use of our website, deletion takes place when the connection ends. If data is stored by way of log files, deletion takes place within seven days. Storage may occur above and beyond this. Should this be the case, the user’s IP address is deleted or anonymised to ensure that the connected device can no longer be identified.

3. E-mail contact, product enquiries, and service forms

Our website gives users the opportunity to contact us regarding product enquiries and by way of service forms. These require that the user submit personal data in order for us to process the request. This serves as the necessary and legal basis for the processing of the data. Data submitted in connection with an e-mail, product enquiry, or service form is processed in accordance with paragraph 7 of Article 6.1 of the GDPR. An additional legal basis set forth in paragraph b) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR applies to processing if the intention of the contact is to conclude an agreement.

If not obstructed by other legal provisions, such data is deleted as soon as it is no longer needed for the purpose for which is was collected. This usually happens once the conversation with the user has ended and it is clear that the factual circumstances have been fully clarified.

4. Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files stored in the browser of the user’s computer system. When a user visits a website, a cookie may be stored in the user’s operating system. The cookie contains a characteristic sequence of characters that makes it possible to identify the browser when the website is next visited by the same browser. The cookie contains information that is used each time in connection with the specific device. However, this does not mean that the user’s identity is immediately known.

One purpose of cookies is to tailor our offers to individual users. For example, we use session cookies to confirm that the user has already visited certain pages on our website. These are deleted automatically when the user leaves the website.

In addition, we use temporary cookies to optimise usability. These are stored on the user’s device for a specific period of time. The next time a user visits our website to use our services, we can automatically identify that the user has visited before and the inputs and settings they entered so that this does not have to be done again.

In addition, we use cookies to keep statistics on how our website is used and to evaluate it so that we can optimise our offers to users. By using these cookies, when a user visits us again, we can automatically see that they have visited us before. These cookies are automatically deleted after a certain amount of time.

When a user visits our website, we inform them that we use cookies for analysis purposes and ask for their consent for the processing of their personal data. In addition, we may refer the user to our data protection statement.

Data that is processed by way of cookies is required for the purposes listed in paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR in order to satisfy our and third parties’ legitimate interests. If the user consents to the processing of their personal data for analysis purposes by way of cookies, the legal basis is paragraph a) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR.

Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and sent to us from there. Users have complete control over the use of cookies. By changing their browser settings, users can disable or restrict the transmission of cookies. Cookies that have already been stored can be deleted at any time. This can also be set to take place automatically. If cookies for our website are disabled, this may mean restricting the functionality of the website for the user.

5. Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Tag Manager

Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager

To ensure the needs-oriented design and ongoing optimisation of our website, we use Google Analytics, a web analytics service from Google Inc( (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; hereinafter referred to as “Google”). In this context, pseudonymised user profiles are created and cookies are stored. The data that the cookie collects about the user’s use of the website includes:

  • The type and version of the web browser
  • Operating system used
  • Referrer URL (last visited website)
  • Hostname of the visiting computer (anonymized IP address)
  • Time of the server visit

This data is transferred to one of Google’s servers in the US and is stored there. The data is used to evaluate the use of our website, to compile reports on website activity, and to offer additional services linked to the use of websites and the internet for the purpose of market research and to ensure the needs-oriented design of these websites. Where applicable, data may also be transferred to third parties if prescribed by law or if the third party is tasked with processing the data. Under no circumstances will the user’s IP address be combined with other data from Google. IP addresses are anonymised so that they cannot be linked with other data (IP masking).

The legal basis for this form of data processing is paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR. We want to ensure the needs-oriented design and ongoing optimisation of our website, as well as to keep statistics on how our website is used and to evaluate our offers in order to optimise them. This is our legitimate interest in accordance with paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR.

Disabling cookies

Users can disable the installation of cookies via their browser settings. However, if cookies for our website are disabled, this may mean restricting the functionality of the website for the user. In addition, the user can limit the data generated by the cookie relating to the user’s use of the website (including IP address), as well as Google’s processing of the data, by downloading and installing an add-on program for their browser. (English)

An alternative to a browser add-on, especially for mobile browsers, that can limit Google Analytics’ processing of data can be found by clicking on the link above. An opt-out cookie is created that prevents the future collection of the user’s data when they visit the website. The opt-out cookie applies only to that browser and our website and is stored on the user’s device. If the user deletes the cookies from their browser, they will have to reinstall the opt-out cookie.

More details on data protection in connection with Google Analytics are available from the Google Analytics help pages

Google Tag Manager does not collect or store any data from users. The program only provides the technology required to integrate marketing into the website more easily.

Google Remarketing

The data controller has integrated services from Google Remarketing into this website. Google Remarketing is a feature of Google AdWords that enables companies to display advertising content to internet users who have previously visited the company’s website. In addition, the integration of Google Remarketing allows the company to produce user-related advertising and then show relevant advertising content to the user.

Google Remarketing services are provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

The purpose of Google Remarketing is to display relevant advertising. Google Remarketing makes it possible for us to display advertising that is tailored to the needs and interests of individual users via the Google networks and other websites.

Google Remarketing places a cookie in the user’s IT system. We have explained what a cookie is above. When cookies are added, Google can recognise a user of our website when they later visit a website that is part of the Google network. The user’s browser is automatically identified by Google when they visit a website that integrates the Google Remarketing service. In this way, Google gains personal data such as the user’s IP address (anonymized) or browsing behaviour, which Google uses to display relevant advertising.

Using these cookies, data related to the person is stored, such as their browsing history. In this way, each visit to our website results in a transfer of personal data, including the IP address (anonymized) of the internet connection used, to Google in the US. The personal data is stored by Google in the US. Under certain conditions, Google may forward the personal data it collects using this method to third parties.

The user can prevent the placing of cookies by our website, as described above, at any time by adjusting browser settings and thereby permanently preventing such cookies from being placed. If a user adjusts the settings of their browser in this way, Google will also be prevented from placing a cookie on their IT system. In addition, a cookie already placed by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time via browser settings or other software.

In addition, users can object to Google’s related advertising. To do this, users must visit from each of the browsers they use and choose their desired settings.

The legal basis for this form of data processing is paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR. We want to ensure the needs-oriented design and ongoing optimisation of our website, as well as to keep statistics on how our website is used and to evaluate our offers in order to optimise them. This is our legitimate interest in accordance with paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR.

More details and Google’s current data protection rules can be found at

Google Ads

The data controller has integrated services from Google AdWords into this website. Google AdWords is an internet advertising service that allows an advertising company to display advertising content in Google’s browser and the Google network. Google AdWords allows an advertiser to pre-define keywords that will display advertising content in Google’s browser when the user searches for a keyword-relevant word in their browser. Advertising content on the Google network is split across subject-relevant websites by way of an automatic algorithm according to the pre-defined keywords.

Google AdWords services are provided by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

The purpose of Google AdWords is to advertise our website by publishing relevant advertising on third-party websites and in the search results of Google’s browser, as well as to display external advertising on our website.

Should someone visit our website via a Google ad, Google will place a conversion cookie on that person’s IT system. We have explained what a cookie is above. A conversion cookie is valid for thirty days and cannot be used to identify a person. If the conversion cookie’s validity has not expired, it can be used to check whether certain sub-pages of a website, such as the shopping basket of an online shop, have been visited. A conversion cookie enables us and Google to check whether a person who came to our website via an AdWords ad has generated sales, i.e. completed or aborted a purchase.

Google uses data and information collected when a conversion cookie is used to generate visitor statistics for our website. We then use these visitor statistics to determine the total number of users brought to us via AdWords ads, i.e. to determine the success of an AdWords ad and to optimise future AdWords ads. Neither our company nor any Google AdWords advertising customer receives any information from Google that can be used to identify the visitor.

By using conversion cookies, data related to the visitor is stored, such as their browsing history. In this way, each visit to our website results in a transfer of personal data, including the IP address of the internet connection used, to Google in the US. The personal data is stored by Google in the US. Under certain conditions, Google may forward the personal data it collects using this method to third parties.

Removing cookies

The user can prevent the placing of cookies by our website, as described above, at any time by adjusting browser settings and thereby permanently preventing such cookies from being placed. If a user adjusts the settings of their browser in this way, Google will also be prevented from placing a cookie on their IT system. In addition, a cookie already placed by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time via browser settings or other software.

In addition, users can object to Google’s interest-related advertising. To do this, users must visit from each of the browsers they use and choose their desired settings.

The legal basis for this form of data processing is paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR. We want to ensure the needs-oriented design and ongoing optimisation of our website, as well as to keep statistics on how our website is used and to evaluate our offers in order to optimise them. This is our legitimate interest in accordance with paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR.

More details and Google’s current data protection rules can be found at

6. YouTube

Pursuant to paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR, on our website we use social media plugins for YouTube, which is operated by Google, in order to present our online range attractively. The operator of the pages is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. When a user visits a page with a YouTube plugin, a connection is established with YouTube’s servers. The YouTube server is notified of which pages the user has visited. If the user is logged into their YouTube account, YouTube can add the user’s browsing behaviour to the user’s personal profile. If the user does not want YouTube to map data collected via our website to their YouTube account, they must log out from YouTube before visiting our website.

More details on data protection related to user data can be found in the YouTube data protection statement at:

7. Facebook

Pursuant to paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR, on our website we use social media plugins for the social network Facebook (Facebook Inc. 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA and, if the user uses Facebook pages within the EU/EEA, Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland) to raise awareness of our brand. This commercial purpose serves as our legitimate interest in accordance with paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR.

We use the “Like” or “Share” button. When a user visits a page on our website that contains such a plugin (“Like” or “Share” button), no link is immediately made with Facebook’s servers. If the user clicks on either button, they are taken to a Facebook page. They can then click again to share or like our content. Visiting the Facebook website provides Facebook with information that the user has visited the associated page even if they do not have a Facebook account or are not logged into Facebook. The information (including IP address) is immediately sent by the user’s browser to one of Facebook’s servers in the US, where it is stored. If the user is logged into Facebook and interacts with the plugins on the Facebook website, e.g. clicks “Like” or “Share”, this information is also immediately sent to one of Facebook’s servers, where it is stored. Information is also published on Facebook and displayed to the user’s friends. Facebook may use the information for advertising and market research, as well as for the needs-oriented design of Facebook pages. For this purpose, Facebook establishes user, interest, and relationship profiles to, for example, evaluate a user’s use of our website in relation to the advertising shown to the user on Facebook, to inform other Facebook users of the user’s activities on our website, and to offer additional services related to the user’s use of Facebook.

Facebook has declared that the company follows the data protection provisions of the US Privacy Shield and is registered in the US Department of Commerce’s US Privacy Shield program. We have no influence over Facebook’s processing of personal data.

If the user does not want Facebook to map data collected via our website to their Facebook account, they must log out from Facebook before visiting our website.

The purpose and scope of the collection of data, Facebook’s continued processing and use of the data, and the user’s associated rights and settings options for protecting their privacy are set out in Facebook’s data protection guidelines (

8. Data protection when applying for job vacancies and employment

The data controller must collect and process the applicant’s personal data to conduct the employment process. This processing can also take place electronically. This is the case when an applicant submits their application documents to the data controller electronically, such as by e-mail or by using a form on our website. If the data controller enters into a contract of employment with an applicant, the data submitted is stored in accordance with the legal provisions in order to conduct the employment process. If the data controller does not enter into a contract of employment with the applicant, the application documents are automatically deleted within two months of the decision being announced if not prevented by the data controller’s other legitimate reasons. In this context, a legitimate reason could be an obligation to provide evidence in proceedings pursuant to the Swedish General Gender Equality Act (AAG).

9. Use of web fonts

External fonts and icons (web fonts) are used to improve the presentation of information on our website. In order for text, fonts, and icons to be displayed correctly, the user’s web browser downloads the required fonts to the browser cache when visiting the site. To do this, the browser used must link to the font operators’ servers. The operators will then know that our website has been visited by the user’s IP address. The following fonts are used:

Google Webfonts from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, USA. (“Google”)

The legal basis for this form of data processing is paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR. The fonts are used to present our website cohesively and attractively. Herein lies our legitimate interest in the meaning of this provision.

Users can set their browser so that fonts are not downloaded from the operators’ servers (e.g. by installing addons such as NoScript or Ghostery for Firefox). If the user’s browser does not support the font or if the user prevents access to the servers, text will be displayed using the default font.

More details on Google Webfonts can be found here:
See also Google’s privacy policy at the links stated above.

More details on Font Awesome can be found here: Font Awesome’s privacy policy is available here:

10. Transfer of data

No personal data is transferred to third parties, unless:

  • pursuant to paragraph a) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR, the user gives their explicit consent to the contrary;
  • such a transfer is necessary pursuant to paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR to determine, enforce, or defend legal claims and there is no reason to assume that the user has a significant protective interest in their data not being transferred;
  • pursuant to paragraph c) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR, there is a statutory obligation to transfer the data; or
  • this is permitted by law and pursuant to paragraph b) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR this is necessary to facilitate a contractual relationship with the user.

11. Rights of data subjects

Under applicable legal conditions, data subjects have the right to:

  • pursuant to Article 15 of the GDPR, request access to their personal data processed by us. Data subjects may request access to information on: the purpose of the processing; the personal data category; the categories of recipients to which their data has been provided or will be provided; the planned retention period; the data subject’s right to rectify or cancel or limit the processing of their personal data; the data subject’s right to object (if the right of appeal exists); the source of the data subject’s data if not collected by us; whether decision-making including review takes place automatically; and any relevant information about these details;
  • pursuant to Article 16 of the GDPR, request the immediate rectification of errors or shortfalls in personal data stored by us;
  • pursuant to Article 17 of the GDPR, request that personal data stored by us be deleted if processing is not necessary for: exercising the data subject’s right to freedom of expression and information; fulfilling a legal obligation; completing a task in the public interest; or determining, raising, or defending a legal claim;
  • pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR, request the limitation of the data subject’s personal data if: they contest the correctness of the data; processing is unlawful, but the data subject opposes the deletion of the data; we no longer require the personal data but the data subject requires the data in order to determine, raise, or defend a legal claim; or the data subject pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR has objected to processing;
  • pursuant to Article 20 of the GDPR, request the personal data relating to the data subject be provided to use in a structured, widely used, and machine-readable format, or request that this data be transferred to another data controller;
  • pursuant to Article 7.3 of the GDPR, recall prior consent at any time. As a result, we may not continue data processing based on this consent; and
  • pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR, file a complaint with a supervisory authority. As a rule, the data subject can turn to a supervisory authority at their normal place of residence or our company address.

If the data subject makes use of their right to rectify, delete, or limit the processing of their personal data, the data controller is obliged to inform all recipients to which the personal data has been disclosed of the rectification, deletion, or limitation of processing, unless this proves to be impossible or requires a disproportionate amount of work to do. Data subjects are entitled to information about these recipients from the data controller.

12. The right to object

Should a data subject’s personal data be processed in line with a legitimate interest pursuant to paragraph f) of Article 6.1 of the GDPR, they are entitled, pursuant to Article 21 of the GDPR, to object to the processing of their personal data if there is reason to do so attributable to their specific situation or if the objection relates to direct advertising. With regard to the latter, data subjects have a general right of objection, which is then executed by us without the need to state a specific situation.

If data subjects wish to exercise their right of withdrawal or objection, they should send an e-mail to

13. Currency and revisions of the data protection statement

The current data protection statement was issued in February 2019.

We may be required to revise this data protection statement in line with the development of our website and what it offers, or in line with changes to legal provisions or stipulations by public authorities.

Dustcontrol UK Ltd., 7 Beaufort Court , Roebuck Way Knowlhill, Milton Keynes MK5 8HL